First-time buyer: A comprehensive case study
Over the past few weeks, we’ve looked at the various techniques and strategies available to you, to help you get ready to purchase your first home. To end our month dedicated to first-time buyers on a high note, we’ve provided an informative case study below….
First home, Home
The mortgage broker: Your guide through the mortgage maze
What does a mortgage broker do? A mortgage broker’s job is to put you in touch with potential mortgage lenders. This individual will help you get the best possible deal on a mortgage that best suits your needs and financial situation. Everyone is unique, and...
Incentives and Subsidies for First-time Home Buyers
Buying your first home can seem like a difficult, complicated process, especially in the current climate. Besides the down payment required for this purchase, you can also expect high interest rates on your mortgage for some time to come. In the article below, we’ll talk about…
The FHSA: The key to your new home
Backgrounder: New for 2023 What is an FHSA? FHSA stands for Tax-free First Home Savings Account. Launched in 2023, this new tool is designed to make accessing home ownership for first-time buyers easier. As we’ve seen for some time now, average house prices have risen sharply, and the FHSA was created...
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